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Get a drawing of your Family Tree for FREE ! |
Welcome to Easy Family Tree !
Create your Family Tree in minutes
- Very easy to use
- Get a drawing of your tree for free
- Share and collaborate with your relatives
Pedigree or Ancestry Chart
- An ancestry chart, is a tree showing the ancestors of an individual, with the oldest generations at the top and the newer generations at the bottom.
Descendancy Chart
- A descendancy chart, is a tree showing the descendants of an individual, with the youngest generations at the top and the older generations at the bottom.
Easy to use interface
- You can build your family tree in minutes
Collaborate with your relatives
- Different people can work on different branches of the tree
Very simple
- Name, Last Name, and Birth Date (optional)
Great drawings
- Unique and innovative format
- Can fit up to 10 generations in one tree
- Easy to print or to show on your screen
- Several options: PDF, JPG, TIF.
© 2010 ezFamilyTree |